Monday, March 4, 2013


I have been fortunate to work on illustrations for the Martian Lit Blog.  Every once in a while I get an Email from them asking me to do a drawing for a particular story.  Sometimes I get the story, sometimes they just tell me to draw something and I guess it works out for them as they haven't stopped asking me for art yet.  I do work for the unbeatable price of free but I attribute their continued requests as evidence that somebody likes my art just a little bit.  This drawing comes from an awesome story and this was one of the best series of ideas I've had for a drawing.  I got to look through a lot of scary faces before settling on these two.  You should head on over to their blog to take a look at the artwork with the story.
While I was messing around in art class I drew this sketch with the available markers.  I was conciously trying to use more pastel colors.  I also wanted to eliminate black from the drawing.  It was a fun little drawing that only took a little bit of time.